What actions should we take during an earthquake?

This blog is a part of a group project in City university of Hong Kong GE1313 Earthquake. 

If you are indoor:

  • Stay inside until the earthquake stops
  • Stay away from the glass
  • Stay away from large vertical furnitures
  • Stay under shelter such as a table or a desk and hold tight to it with one hand
  • Hold on your head and neck if there is no shelter
  • Drop onto your hands and knees
  • If you are in a stadium or a theatre, stay at your position and cover your head with your arms
  • DON'T use the elevator
  • DON'T stand at the doorway
    • Doorway in modern buildings are usually weaker than doorway in the past
13 earthquake safety steps to follow when the ground starts ...
(credit: https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/earthquake-safety-tips-steps-vancouver-bc)

If you are outdoor:

  • Stay away from buildings, trees, and electricity cable
  • If you are driving, stop your car and avoid staying near things that can fall on your car.
(credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/712272497301076496/)
