
What factors could affect the degree of destruction in an earthquake?

This blog is a part of a group project in City university of Hong Kong GE1313 Earthquake.  The natural frequency of building Natural frequency can simply explain as when something starts to vibrate. The frequency that that thing vibrates is called "Natural frequency". Moreover, each building has its own natural frequency. (Credit: Frequency of earthquake  The frequency of earthquake means how often do earthquakes happen. The more earthquake happens, the more destruction to the building. Moving direction of vibration Every kind of waves (any direction) can affect the destruction level of an earthquake. This includes Body wave( S-wave and P wave) and Surface wave ( Love wave and Rayleigh wave) Latitude of the location Seismic energy is distributed differently in the different latitude of the location. The energy released in Southern hemisphere is 30 per cent lower than the energy released...

What actions should we take during an earthquake?

This blog is a part of a group project in City university of Hong Kong GE1313 Earthquake.  If you are indoor: Stay inside until the earthquake stops Stay away from the glass Stay away from large vertical furnitures Stay under shelter such as a table or a desk and hold tight to it with one hand Hold on your head and neck if there is no shelter Drop onto your hands and knees If you are in a stadium or a theatre, stay at your position and cover your head with your arms DON'T use the elevator DON'T stand at the doorway Doorway in modern buildings are usually weaker than doorway in the past (cred it: ) If you are outdoor: Stay away from buildings, trees, and electricity cable If you are driving, stop your car and avoid staying near things that can fall on your car. (credit:

Which parts of the earthquake related movies are exaggerated?

This blog is a part of a group project in City university of Hong Kong GE1313 Earthquake.  The purpose of this blog is to correct the misunderstanding of people toward earthquakes and its effect. Our group wants to illustrate that not all the earthquakes are scary. You will see 6 earthquake scenes in the movies and 6 screen captures of real earthquake video clips that have a similar magnitude in order to compare the damage of the building, road etc. However, our group understands that to entertain the audience, computer graphics and a variety of tools are essential to the movies. Our group has no intention to criticize the movie and movie producers. 1. Ashfall Ashfall is a Korean movie and was released in 2019. The movie demonstrated a 7.8 magnit ude earthquake, which caused a major effect.  The chosen video clip demonstrates the same earthquake magnitude in Kaikoura, New Zealand, which happened in 2016. Movie scene 1 : The road collapses and creates a...